A Day in Duluth | Canal Park Walk Highlights

In much need of a get-away, mid-August, my family and I packed our bags into the car, and headed Up North. Our final destination was Lutzen, a resort area on the North Shore of Lake Superior, but we broke up the drive by stopping in Duluth for the night. With shopping, dining, and a thriving outdoor scene, Duluth was a welcome gateway to a few days in the North

We stayed in the Lift Bridge Lodge, on of a few hotels that fronts the Canal Park lakewalk, a (relatively) recently constructed boardwalk stretching along the Superior shore.

During our stay, we wanted a low-key evening to enjoy Duluth, and this location delivered!

This was the most popular section of the boardwalk, with people moving in vehicles, by foot, trapsing along the rocks, or skipping pebbles at the beach.

This was the most popular section of the boardwalk, with people moving in vehicles, by foot, traipsing along the rocks, or skipping pebbles at the beach.

Through Wheel Fun Rentals, there are also bikes and trolleys available for rent!

Lake Place Park

At the end of the boardwalk stretch lies the Lake Place Park, with a pretty painted stair case leading to elevated views of the surrounding area. There’s also public restrooms, water fountains, and even a bike repair station!

The clear day and shining blue water complemented the vibrant colors painted on the staircase.


A little further, near the end of the boardwalk construction, is one of my personal favorite spots. At the top of the stair case, the Fitger’s Complex has a hotel and restaurant. We stopped by the Ice Cream spot, and went inside to explore the shops. My favorites with the bookstore and a very well-stocked outfitters.

Rose Garden

The Lakewalk extents onward, but we turned around shortly after reaching the rose garden. Like all the walk, there are views out onto the harbor. When we were there at around 6pm, the light took on a lovely golden hue, and a sailboat regatta started dotting the horizon.

Beautiful light and a glistening body of water does wonders to put the soul at ease. Though Minnesota summers are brief, a moment along the North Shore is a fresh breath of serenity.

Enjoy some of the other pictures from this evening below!


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